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Thank you for your vote & support! Because of you I have made it to the runoff! Please vote and tell your neighbor to vote, Natalie Keng on June 21, 2022. 



Moving Forward

Special Election Runoff
June 21, 2022 
7:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M.

Smyrna First Baptist Church 
1275 Smyrna, GA 


June 11, 2022  | 2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M


Hillsdale II Condos Clubhouse Deck 

1 Lakes Edge Dr.


Join me for a community day and a change to meet me, hometown candidate for City Council.

Drop in and say, "Howdy!"


Don't forget to vote for me, Natalie Keng , on June 21, 2022 at Smyrna First Baptist Church!



Together We Can 

I Want to Hear From You! 


Smyrna is a special place
(and my hometown)!

Share what love you about our city and how you would like to see us move forward! 

Greetings, Y'All

I am Natalie Keng and I grew up right here in Smyrna, Georgia. Our first house was on Dundee Drive and I lived in Bennett Woods. My father was a huge Tech Yellow Jackets fan and my mother was a Cobb County Public Schools Teacher of the Year.  I worked at the family restaurant at Cumberland Mall and played tennis at Rhyne Park. I am a graduate of Cobb County Public Schools and am proud to call Smyrna my hometown.


I am running for Smyrna City Council, Ward 2 because our city is at a crossroads. As the only hometown candidate, I intend to connect OLD+NEW SMYRNA by preserving the small-town charm that has made us unique while balancing new investment opportunities to help create a safe, healthy and vibrant future for all.


I believe in PEOPLE, not politics-as-usual. I thrive on turning challenges into opportunities, and I excel at creating win-win solutions. With a Master's degree in Public Policy from Harvard University and experience in government, nonprofits, Fortune 500 companies, and now as a small business owner, the decision to run for City Council was driven by an interest to "pay it forward" in public service and my community.  I am uniquely positioned to help the town keep what's good while guiding us towards "a more perfect" city now and for the future.  


Smyrna deserves and needs someone who has the the passion, capability, and track record to be an ear and a voice for Ward 2 and bring a balanced perspective to the Council. 


Let's move Forward 2Gether !   I am listening.  


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